Warriors were handed their 1st Home Defeat today after wining 54 games at Oracle Arena. You can see the sadness in the faces of all present, the silence, could be cut with a dagger, and the exhaustion deafening the team. Constant game after game and multitude of games away from home did not help, the Celtics who game the Champs this predicament were full of glee, like they had actually won the NBA Championship of 2016, and why not? They had beaten the-e TEAM, and in their own back yard…
Warriors, a top notch caliber organization no team in the NBA, could hold a candle to them, an ex-season ticket holder can say so, I say so, the stats speak for themselves. A unique mix of talent, Charisma, guts and moxie, a team very capable and pretty much will win the championship again in 2016, and many more years to come!!